Lead and Copper Information

Let's Get the Lead Out

New state and federal laws require water providers to inventory all of their water service lines. A
service line is the underground pipe that carries water from the water main, likely in the street,
into your home or building. Your water provider needs to determine the material that your service
line is made of.

Service lines are often copper, lead, plastic, or galvanized iron or steel. Older homes and buildings
may have a lead service line. Water can absorb lead as it travels through lead pipes on its way to
your faucet. If you have a lead service line, your water provider needs to take steps to reduce your
lead exposure risk. Knowing your service line material is very important for your health and safety.

How you can help
Your water provider may contact you about your service line. Your answers to their questions can
help them determine what your service line is made of. They may provide step-by-step instructions
on how to identify and report the material of the service line coming into your home. In some
cases, your water provider may request access to see your main water shutoff valve or to dig a
small hole on your property to inspect your service line. Working with your water provider to
provide this information helps your family and community.
If you have questions related to your service line, your water provider should be able to help guide
you in answering them.

Learn more
To learn more about lead in drinking water, visit the Colorado Department of Health &
Environment’s webpage at https://cdphe.colorado.gov/lead-in-drinking-water.

Please complete the brief survey below to see if your service line contains lead. Return the
completed survey form and a photo of your service line to us as soon as possible.
