Snow Removal Information

Snow events within the City of Delta have generally been fairly minor, but when a response is necessary the City of Delta snow policy is to plow streets according to priority. These priorities are based primarily on emergency access to the hospital, heavily traveled roads and school bus routes. Local streets are not plowed or treated until the other routes are passable.

The City, County and CDOT all work together on those roads that are jointly maintained. The critieria used for dispatching snow equipment are the following: At least 1 -2 inches of accumulation of snow, or Blowing Snow or Icy conditions due to rain or snow melt or a combination of winter season factors that are reducing the drivability of the roads. Each property owner is responsible for maintaining the the sidewalks adjacent to their property. Do not throw the snow in the gutter as this causes additional icing and does not allow the water from melting snow/ice to efficiently flow to the storm drains.

We ask that each property owner do their best to clear their driveways as necessary. The City treats parking areas adjacent to the drive lanes as a lower priority than local streets, which means they will not have the snow removed. The City does maintain parking lots in the downtown area to help mitigate parking issues for shoppers and employees.

If you are physically unable to remove the snow that the plows push into your driveways we encourage you to contact a neighbor or one of the many private companies that work within the City. If have you questions or concerns please contact the Public Works Department.